William Tyrrell Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Missing, Parents

William Tyrrell wiki, biography, age, height, net worth

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INTERESTING FACTS ON missing boy William Tyrrell wiki, bio, age, height, who is William Tyrrell parents and why was William Tyrrell in foster care.

William Tyrrell disappeared from his foster grandmother’s home at the age of 3. It was 12th September 2014- he was playing with his sister on a Spider-Man costume.

Polices’ extensive investigations suggest that Tyrrell was abducted but, despite all the efforts, he is not yet found. Recently, his foster mother told the inquest she heard “a quick, high-pitched scream” on the day of the alleged abduction.

Image result for William Tyrrell
Source: Daily Telegraph

Although his biological parents and grandmother have lost their hope, William’s foster mother believes “someone has taken him”.

Why was William Tyrrell in foster care? Who are his parents and sisters?

Hang in there as we get started with William Tyrrell wiki, bio, age, height. Then see what the latest reports say in the case of one of Australia’s biggest manhunts.

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Source: Bundaberg News Mail

William Tyrrell wiki, bio, age, height

Born on 26 June 2011, William Tyrrell was in his nanny’s house in NSW Mid-North coast at the time of disappearance. He was last seen at the front yard of the Benaroon Drive property.

It was around 10:30 am in the morning. His foster mother had gone inside to make some tea- but earlier, she had seen three cars on the street: one white and one grey car.

Four neighbors from Kendall gave testimony on the inquest. But, none of them could validate whether they those saw two cars.

A suburban street with two illustrated cars.
An artists impression of William’s foster mother testimony. Source: Supplied

A reward of A$1 million dollars has been announced for anyone who can find the toddler. If alive, this year William Tyrrell’s age will be 8 years old.

Who are William Tyrrell parents?

The missing boy is the biological son of Brendan Collins and Karlie Tyrrell. His original grandmother, Natalie Collins believes the ongoing search is “a waste of money and time”.

The 60-year-old described the polices’ investigation is “just opening old wounds”. Despairingly, she told the Daily Telegraph,

“I know exactly what’s happened, someone’s taken him and done something to him. Brendan says it, too, he believes William’s gone.”

“They’re never going to find William — I just know in my heart he’s dead.”

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Source: Daily Telegraph

Speaking of William Tyrrell parents, his father Brendan even dug in bushland in search of his missing son. Natalie says they had a “real bond”.

Why was William Tyrrell in foster care?

Both Karlie and Brendan, William’s original parents had encountered problems with police. In fact, Brendan was in Silverwater jail when his son was apparently abducted. He was charged with with drugs and theft charges.

On the other side of the story, William’s mother Karlie is related to “domestic violence-related incidents”. Due to their criminal records, Family and Community Services welfare office had removed William from his parents at the age of eight months.

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Source: Who Magazine

Briefly after being removed by authorities, his biological parents hid him in a granny Natalie’s flat for three months.

Due to this reason, some even accuse that William’s parents are suspects. But no evidence or suggestion is in the favor of this assumption. Addressing the issue, Brendan said,

“I know I’ve had a history of drugs problems but I’d never harm my boy.”

“DOCS took him from me to keep him safe and now… he’s probably dead.”

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Source: sahm.in


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