The Many Health Benefits Of Playing Tennis


Tennis is a great game, it’s fun to watch and play, so it’s no surprise that over 85 million people worldwide play tennis every year! While the rules are fairly simple, the game is deceptively complex, and requires a steady eye, quick reflexes, and being nimble on your feet!

If you are interested in learning to play tennis yourself, why not get some professional tennis coaching in Sydney so you can start playing well fast? They know all the ins and outs of the court, and the techniques you can master that will make the game so much more fun because you are more competitive!

One often overlooked aspect of playing tennis is how incredibly good it is for your health! The following are some of the health benefits playing will bring you!

  • Improves Stamina – Tennis is fast-paced, with players sprinting after the ball during rallies that last for 5 to 7 seconds on average. This high-intensity exertion over short periods of time is great for your anaerobic capacity, allowing you to make fast, powerful movements without tiring!
  • Full Body Workout – Tennis uses almost every muscle in your body! The lower body’s buttocks, legs, and feet are put to work running and jumping around the court, while the upper body’s arms, shoulders, and hands are busy swinging that racket!
  • Muscle Toning – The repetitive performance of forehands and backhands tone the upper body muscles, while the constant jumping and running tones the lower body, giving your muscles greater strength and definition.
  • Improves Balance And Agility – The reaching and stretching of tennis improves your balance, while the constant direction changes increase your agility!
  • Improves Cardiovascular Health – The non-stop movement of tennis increases your heart rate so it delivers more oxygen and nutrients into your bloodstream to be carried to your muscles as they work out. Your aerobic fitness will become much greater, thus reducing the risk of heart attack and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Helps You Lose Weight – Trying to shed excess weight is always difficult, and playing tennis can make it happen a lot faster! Just one tennis match can burn over 600 calories! 
  • Improves Bone Density – Playing racket sports can make your bones stronger and more durable because the impact of hitting the ball, and stopping and bounding away. Tennis players rarely report developing osteoporosis!
  • Improves Reaction Speed – Tennis is all about fast reactions, you have to watch your opponent to anticipate their every move, then be able to determine where the ball will land, all of which hone your reaction speed and improve your hand-eye coordination.
  • Great For Your Mental Health – The tactical nature of tennis play makes you plan your move ahead and literally think on your feet as you adjust to outcomes, all of which are great for the brain! The activity also releases endorphins, the body’s natural hormones that make you feel good, which can lower stress and depression to improve your mental health!

Tennis is a great game for all ages and abilities to engage in, it’s a lot of fun and it’s good for you, too!


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