Here’s how AI can Improve your Bottom Energy!

I feel like the title is self-explanatory enough. Artificial intelligence has vastly improved our online experiences immeasurably, like Fair Go slots, and has even begun improving our offline experiences too.

At the moment, only corporations are reaping the benefits of AI, yet it’s an undeniable fact that AI doesn’t just belong to the companies that can afford the programmers to make them. AI should be allowed to serve the masses- an unbiased, post-modern creation of personkind. Wouldn’t that be a change?

And here’s a big idea: Maybe instead of investing billions of dollars into making an AI that plays video games (Ew), how about making one that does something useful? Like improving our sex lives. In fact, here are several ways that an AI can already improve the needs of a Bottom, and make the experience better for everyone.

Started from the Bottom…

So for all the vanilla people out there, what is a Bottom? To put is simply, everyone likes to take on different roles during a physical relationship. Some people like to lead the action, these kinds of people like to be the dominant ones, to be on top hence, they are at the top ones.

A Bottom is the opposite, they prefer to be led on, and they prefer to be submissive and breedable.

A common misconception however is that these terms only apply to gay men, but these terms can equally apply to lesbians, trangenders, or even cis men. In fact, famous bottoms include Ethan Klein, Will Smith, and even Vice President Kamala Harris.

Two more noteworthy terms are “switches” and “power bottoms”. Switches change back and forth between their preference of being dominated versus dominating. Power bottoms, however, prefer to take the dominant role from the submissive position.

…now we’re here!

So what can AI do to make you more of a bottom? First, we need to understand what AI is capable of right now. There was a recent story that a Google Engineer has claimed that LaMDA- a language-based learning model, has sentience. The engineer was put on forced leave after releasing several conversations he had with the AI to the public, and Google has adamantly denied that LaMDA has sentience.

And after reviewing the evidence… I actually agree with them. As disappointing as it sounds, LaMDA does not have sentience (although the correct term would be “Sapience”). The problem, I think, comes from a misunderstanding of what an “AI” is and what it does- and the engineer in question was not actually a programmer of any kind, as far as I understand, but someone whose job it was to ensure that LaMDA didn’t become biased in any way (Microsoft still has nightmares about Tay, the chatbot they released on twitter that became a bigoted racist in less than a day).

What these AIs do is iterate over and over again on a dataset of information, usually taken from the internet, and use probability to predict what words should be strung together to form a sentence. The more it iterates, and the larger the dataset, the better the output. In other words, it’s auto-correct/auto-fill on steroids.

Now, these chatbots might get good enough eventually where it will become impossible to tell the difference between human and machine- in fact a lot of these AIs already can pass the Turing test 30% of the time. There are a few tricks, however, that can easily reveal which it is.

First, AIs are very, very suggestible. If you prompt a conversation, they will play along with you, whatever the subject. They have no convictions of their own, so if you provide it with one prompt, and then later on provide a different prompt, the AI will fervently argue for both ideas equally.

This is the mistake the Google Engineer seems to have made- he accidentally lead the AI into the conversation about it’s own sentience, and it began arguing for it. However, you could probably just as easily get it to argue that it’s just a pile of code, a human, or a squirrel.

Second, AIs have no long-term memory at the moment, and this is part of the whole lack of convictions thing. It won’t retain or learn from these conversations at all.

All of that just goes to show that even the most advanced AIs in the field have their flaws, but how does all of this help you improve you bottom energy?

Let’s start by thinking about how AIs could improve on your human-on-human sex life, and it all begins with the matchmaking process.

Not everyone is interested in a bottom partner(s), and dating is hard enough as is. Apps like Grindr and Tindr all use AIs to help decide which profiles to show you. Then, once you’re out on a date, AI prompt generators can provide you with a virtually endless amount of useful resources, like pet names, position ideas, and roleplay prompts.

An AI model could even be built off of a database consisting of sex-content, like the Kama Sutra, romance novels, homoerotic fiction, and Yaoi light-novels, to generate the most comprehensive list of sex positions and techniques, specifically tailored for you.

However, the real power behind these AIs for Bottoms brings us back to these chatbots. While not at the top of their class, there are still applications that let you converse with some of these AI models.

Some of these applications are specifically designed to be an artificial girlfriends and / or boyfriends and / or zerfriends. You can find threads on Reddit about users roleplaying with these AIs, and acting submissive to their needs and / or asserting dominance over them through threats of uninstalling them.

So if you really want to exude that bottom energy, download an artificial boyfriend today, and take them for a spin!

The fact that Google has refused to focus on this area of AI behavior only goes to show just how prejudiced against Bottoms mainstream society is. I say it’s time for Bottoms to rise up, so that we can proudly be put down- where we want to be!


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