Is ‘The Voice’ Sally Skelton Dating Bojesse Pigram Or Is She Single? Explore Her Wiki Facts

Sally Skelton wiki, age, height, boyfriend details
Sally Skelton wiki, age, height, boyfriend details

The Australian reality show ‘The Voice’ is full of emerging talent as well as skilled singers. The stage of the show gives a chance to all the people to show the quality of their voice.

Here we are speaking of the Maroochydore teen; Sally Skelton spent the past year working hard to make progress.

Skelton will be competing in her battle round on the singing show in which she got eliminated last year. While expressing it to the Daily, she said,

“I want to make it through the battle round. This is as far as I went and I don’t want it to be the same as last year,”

“Going into my mentoring session (with coach Joe Jonas) I tried to stay relaxed and tried not to psych myself out – I can do that sometimes.”

So, how did this talented singer got eliminated in the past? What happened last year that she is concentrating so hard?

Browse below to know Sally Skelton audition along with some of Sally Skelton wiki facts and personal details.

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Sally Skelton Audition: Last year’s elimination?

The duet between Sally Skelton and her former rival, Bojesse Pigram, became the most talked battle performance in the show’s history.

Encouraged by their coach Kelly Rowland, the two young singers showed such chemistry that the judges suggested becoming a duo.

Skelton, age 19, agreed to give it a go but unfortunately, the same thinking didn’t occur to Pigram who shoot down the idea. The result of all this forced the judge, Rowland to choose between them. And therefore, Skelton received elimination.

But in ‘The Voice’ 2018, Skelton hopes that history doesn’t repeat itself. She said,

“I know what to say this time around,” “Last year I jumped around on teams, so I never got time to really build a strong friendship with someone. This year I’ve stayed on Team Joe and from the blinds to battles I’ve become really close with some of the other singers.”

After returning from her hard work; this year in ‘The Voice’ 2018, Sally Skelton is ready to finish what she started on her journey. Skelton said,

“My feedback (from Joe) has been similar all through the show so far. He’s told me just to connect and not get in my head and remember that I can do this,” “I’ve just got to try my best with every single song and just work hard.”

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Is Sally Skelton Dating Boyfriend Or Engaged?

The Maroochydore singer’s career is blooming but what about her personal life? The teenage singer got surrounded by the rumors of her dating at one time.

Sally hinted dating the one whom she had a head-to-head in a battle round last year; he is none other than her former rival Bojesse Pigram.

It was around the year 2017 when the rumor of their dating started. Moreover, Pigram told coach Kelly Rowland that he had been visiting Sally on the Sunshine Coast.

Pigram said,

‘Since the battles, I have moved from WA over to Queensland,”It is going good. We are having fun and who knows in the future. There might be something,’

After the duet battle, during an interview with The Fix, Pigram said,

‘Sally’s just an amazing person,’ ‘I’m so grateful that I met her.’

Previously, Selly Skelton impressed Kelly Rowland and Boy George when she sang Randy Crawford hit One Day I’ll Fly Away.

She even received a compliment from Kelly Rowland. Rowland praised the for Skelton saying,

“First of all this room was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop; you literally created this hush over the room,” “You said you’re 18? Yo, that is crazy. You have a gift, honey.

As of now Sally Skelton is not dating officially nor has a boyfriend, but who knows this talented singer might be seeing someone off record, you never know!

Stay tuned as we have more information on Sally Skelton wiki fact.

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