The Amazing Race Nathan Jolliffe Dating Life With Youtuber girlfriend Is Total Bliss, Explore His Wiki Facts

Nathan Jolliffe wiki, age, net worth updates
Nathan Jolliffe wiki, age, net worth updates

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Nathan won The Amazing Race in 2011 alongside his best mate Tyler Atkins. Also the same year, Jolliffe featured on The Celebrity Apprentice too. Surfing & modeling are both Nathan Jolliffe hobby & career. He also owns Luis Tans Restaurant in Bondi beach.

Nathan Jolliffe and his surfer buddy Tyler won $250,000 as the ultimate winning prize in the first series of The Australian Amazing Race. Tyler decided to buy a property in Bali while Nathan chose to deposit the sum. Besides that, he also had the second position in 2012’s Cleo Bachelor of the Year Awards.

As of now, Nathan Jolliffe is in a relationship with a unique looking young influencer of an ethnicity other than his. Nathan’s social media handle posts feature this idiosyncratic girl quite often.

Browse further to know more about Nathan Jolliffe girlfriend, wiki-bio & Nathan Jolliffe net worth updates.

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Who Is Nathan Jolliffe Girlfriend?

Nathan Jolliffe and girlfriend Erin McNaught dated each other from 2009-2011. Nathan Jolliffe ex-girlfriend Erin was a former beauty pageant winner. As of now, Nathan Jolliffe girlfriend Erin McNaught is married to a British rapper named Elliot Gleave aka EXAMPLE. McNaught has a child with the rapper as well.

nathan jolliffe girlfriend erin mcNaught
Caption: Nathan & his ex-girlfriend Erin.

Photo Source: Wireimage

After 2011, Nathan briefly dated Sam who came 2nd in the Amazing Race Australia 1. Later on, Abbey Ginns became his girlfriend. Nathan Jolliffe and girlfriend Abbey Ginns were seen hanging out several times sunbathing during 2014. Nathan Jolliffe girlfriend Abbey is the sister of 2014 Big Brother Australian housemate Ryan Ginns.

However, Yan Yan Chan became the girlfriend of Nathan Jolliffe around 2015. Chan is a full-time blogger & a digital creative. She is of Chinese origin. Earlier last year when asked about how she met Nathan. Yan Yan Chan said-

Nath and I have known each other for a while, we hung out in the same friend group – and we’d all go on outings together, like Splendour in the Grass and a few days trips out to the North Side… but we didn’t really take an interest in each other until a year or so after!

Moreover regarding Nathan Jolliffe and girlfriend Yan Yan Chan compatibility; the couple is keen to photography. Nathan Jolliffe and girlfriend Yan Yan Chan often end up taking snaps of each other & work closely too. Furthermore when asked about whether it helps to have Nathan around while working with cameras & creatives? She replied

Yeah, it definitely does. I think it helps more that he has a creative eye and has similar taste to myself. I think I’m also really lucky in the way that we’re honest with each other, so whenever there’s a time I’m in a creative block, or if I’m needing some advice, he’ll be there giving honest opinion. We bounce off each other well.

Both seem to share similar workplace & mutual feelings for each other. Nathan Jolliffe and girlfriend Yan Yan Chan are active in their lovely relationship together to date.

Nathan Jolliffe girlfriend Yan Yan Chan
Caption: Nathan Jolliffe & girlfriend Yan Yan Chan

Photo Credit: Country road

On February 2017, Nathan Jolliffe posted the following content on his Instagram handle @nathanjolliffe

Almost 2 years and only gets better- Lips like roses. 🌹

Nathan Jolliffe girlfriend Yan Yan Chan
Caption: The cute fancy couple Nathan Jolliffe and girlfriend Yan Yan Chan.

Nathan Jolliffe Wiki-Bio

Nathan Jolliffe grew up playing basketball in Gold coast. His fav food is guacamole. Mexico and USA are his best destinations. The US was his first overseas venture. As of now, Nathan Jolliffe is 28 years old. 1990 is the year he was born.

His fashion sense is cool & laid back. Nathan also flaunts several small yet noticeable tattoos upon both his arms. His hometown is Sydney, N.S.W. Nathan And Tyler are friends of more than a decade now. When asked about Tyler. Jolliffe said- “We were always hanging out on the Gold Coast.

Then we both moved to Bondi and we’ve spent a bunch of time together in California as well. We surfed over there and also did a fair bit of partying in Hollywood. And we’ve surfed heaps in Bali together.”

Nathan Jolliffe Net Worth

As per Nathan Jolliffe net worth of 2018; it is under review. He is an Australian citizen.

Name Nathan Jolliffe
Date Of Birth 1990
Age 28 y/o
Height N/A
Weight N/A
Married No
Girlfriend/Partner Yan Yan Chan
Net Worth Under Review





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