The Bachelors Australia is a dating reality show popular among youths. The show was conducted since a long time. This dating television show is the adaptation of the US series of the same name. Furthermore about their history, it has a total of 9 seasons and has 143 episodes. The popular reality show comes out with a unique name in every season.
To the regular fans of The Bachelors, there is good news, as the reality show is back with a new season, a new format, and with a new name.
For the fans there is a twist as the show’s format is slightly changed. This time there will not only be 1 Bachelor but 3 of them. The Bachelors for whom the ladies will be competing are 27 years old Felix Von Hofe, 25 years old Jed McIntosh, and 35 years old Thomas Malucelli. Thomas is the oldest Bachelor in the show this season.
The Bachelorettes, ladies, will be divided among 3 groups each group having 3 Bachelors. The bachelors will have the opportunity to date and select a lady. No more details have been disclosed. We guess the team wants to keep it a suspense.
Where Can We Watch The Bachelors Australia 2023?
The popular dating reality show, The Bachelors Australia 2023 will be premiered on the 9th of January 2023 on Channel 10 at 7:30 PM.
On deck, we have covered everything you need to know about The Bachelors Australia 2023, its contestants, Bachelors, and their descriptions including updates on their age, instgaram, body measurements, and more.
Felix Von Hofe
The Bachelor
Felix Von Hofe is 27 years old former Basketball player from Australia. Felix is currently working as a marketing manager and sports commentator.

He is now in The Bachelor Australia 2023 to “get into proper relationship”.
His Instagram handle is @felixthecatmatee
Jed McIntosh
The Bachelor
Jed McIntosh a 25 years old handsome hunk is a drummer and a singer from Gippsland, Victoria, Australia. Jed has his own band that comes by the name Mood Monroe. The band has their YouTube channel too.

He says
“sometimes the reason people fall in love with you in the first place ends up being the very reason they don’t like you”.
Jed is here to find a wife.
His Instagram handle is @jed.mcintosh
Thomas Malucelli
The Bachelor
Thomas Malucelli is 35 years old handsome hunk from Sydney. Thomas Malucelli is a popular reality show personality and a lifestyle entrepreneur. Despite his looks and charming personality, Thomas is single and is now in The Bachelors Australia 2023 to find the one.

His Instagram handle is @thomasmalucelli
Now following are the details of The Bachelorette, Ladies
Abigail Harley
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Felix
Abigail, full name Abigail Harley is a 26 year old Bachelorette. She used to work as a legal assistant before making to The Bachelor Australia 2023. Abigail Harley was born in the year 1997. Her zodiac sign in Capricorn however her exact date of birth is not found. Abigail is from Sydney, Australia.

Her instagram is @itsbiggail
Not much is known about her early life. She has kept a low profile. She is looking for a tall, good-looking and ambitious man.
Eboni Burling
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Felix
Eboni, full name Eboni Burling is a talented Acquisition Co-ordinator. Eboni Burling is 29 years old and the oldest lady in Felix’s group. Eboni was born on the year 1994 however her exact date of birth is not found. She is from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Her instagram is @ebburling
Not much is known about her early life. She has kept a low profile.
Emma Lewis
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Felix
Emma, full name Emma Lewis is an Australian reality star. Emma is a Native Australian. She is 25 years old and from Melbourne, Australia. She has kept her social life very low so her previous profession is not known.

Her instagram is @emmmalewis_
Jessica Navin
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Felix
Jessica, full name Jessica Navin, is a Bridal Stylist and Reality Television Personality. Jessica was born in the year 1998 in Townsville, Queensland, Australia. Jessica’s exact date of birth is not known as she hasn’t mentioned about it.

Her instagram is @jess_navin.
She has approximately 10.5k followers.
Krystal Thomas
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Felix
Krystal, full name Krystal Thomas is a Reality Television Personality and a fashion model. Krystal was in the year 1996. She is from Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. Krystal is 26 years old. Krystal describes herself as a vibrant, chaotic, charming, and cheeky lady.

Her instagram is @krystal.thomas
Also Read: Where is ‘The Bachelorette’ Bryan Abasolo now? EXPLORE His Wiki Facts and Instagram
Naomi Johnston
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Felix
Naomi Johnston is a 24 years old marketing manager and reality television personality from Sydney, Australia. She was born in New South Wales in the year 1998. Her exact date of birth is not available at the moment.

Her instagram is @naomijohnstonn
Tilly Skok
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Felix
Tilly Skok is a reality television personality and an event manager. Tilly currently works as an event coordinator at Melbourne Racing Club in Melbourne, Australia. She is a Native Australian by nationality. As of 2023, Tilly Skok is 24 years old. Tilly was born in the year 1998. Her exact date of birth is not available at the moment.

Her instagram is @tillyskok
Yuri Nagata
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Felix
Yuri Nagata, nickname Yuri is a Native Australian born and raised in New South Wales, Australia. She is a student and a reality television personality. Yuri Nagata is 21 years old born on the year 2002.

She is one of the contestants competing for Felix. She is the youngest one in Felix’s group.
Her instagram is not available at the moment.
Zara Jekyll
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Felix
Zara Jekyll, famous as Zara is a reality television personality and an event manager. Zara Jekyll was born and raised in Bermuda, Canada. As of 2023, Zara Jekyll is 27 years old. She was born on the year 1995 however her exact date of birth is not available.

She is of white ethnicity.
Her instagram is @zarajekyll
Abby Miller
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Jed
Abby Miller famous as Abby is a reality television personality and a retail assistant. Abby Miller was born and raised in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. As of 2023, Abby is 21 years old as she was born in the year 2002. She is the youngest Bachelorette in Jed’s group.

Her instagram is currently unavailable.
Alésia Delaney
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Jed
Alesia Delaney famous as Alesia, is a reality television personality and a real estate agent. Alesia was born and raised in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. As of 2023, Alesia is 28 years old. She was born in the year 1995 but the exact date of birth is not available. She is competing in Jed’s group.

Her instagram is @alesiafrancoise.
Angela Ferdinands
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Jed
Angela Ferdinands famous as Angela is a reality television personality and a professional model. Angela was born and raised in Melbourne, Victoria. As of 2023, Angela is 25 years old. She was born in 1998 but the exact date of birth is not available. She is competing in Jed’s group.

Her instagram is @angelaferdinands
Bella Johnston
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Jed
Bella Johnston, famous as Bella is a reality television personality. Bella was born and raised in Sydney, New South Wales. As of 2023, Bella is 27 years old. She was born in 1995 but the exact date of birth is not available. She is competing in Jed’s group.

Her instagram is @spicyjohnston
Courtney Mustac
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Jed
Courtney Mustac, famous as Courtney, is a reality television personality and designer. Courtney was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia. As of 2023, Courtney is 33 years old. She was born in 1990 but the exact date of birth is not available. She is competing in Jed’s group.

She is the oldest Bachelorette in Jed’s group.
Her instagram is @coco_mustac
Jasmine Absolom
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Jed
Jasmine Absolom, famous as Jasmine, is a reality television personality and a Business Development Officer. Jasmine was born and raised in Brisbane, Australia. As of 2023, Jasmine is 24 years old. She was born in 1998 but the exact date of birth is not available. Jasmine is competing in Jed’s group.

Her instagram is @jasmine__absolom
Jessica “Jess” Tomlinson
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Jed
Jessica Tomlinson, nicknamed Jess, is a reality television personality and a FIFO worker. Jessica was born and raised in Broom, Western Australia. As of 2023, Jessica is 24 years old. She was born in 1998 but the exact date of birth is not available. Jessica is competing in Jed’s group.

Her instagram is @jesssixca
Natasha “Tash” Zuanetti
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Jed
Natasha Zuanetti, famous as Tash, is a reality television personality and a property manager. Natasha was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia. As of 2023, Natasha is 31 years old. Tash was born in 1992 but the exact date of birth is not available. She is competing in Jed’s group.

Her instagram is not available at the moment.
Aylin Sakaci
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Thomas
Aylin Sakaci well-known as Aylin, is a reality television personality and a Recruitment Consultant. Aylin was born and raised in Brisbane, Australia. As of 2023, Aylin is 25 years old. She was born in 1997 but the exact date of birth is not available. Jasmine is competing in Thomas’s group.

Her instagram is @aylinsakaci
Casey-Jo “CJ
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Thomas
Casey-Jo well-known as CJ is a reality television personality. Casey was born and raised in Perth, Australia. As of 2023, Casey is 30 years old. She was born in 1993 but the exact date of birth is not available. Casey is competing in Thomas’s group.

Her instagram is @caseyjdx92
Jenae Weston
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Thomas
Jenae Weston, famous as Jenae, is a reality television personality and a beauty entrepreneur. Jenae was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia. As of 2023, Jenae is 29 years old. Jenae was born in 1993 but the exact date of birth is not available. She is competing in Thomas’s group.

Her instagram is @jenaeweston
Kristen “Kiki”
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Thomas
Kristen, well-known as Kiki, is a reality television personality. Kristen was born and raised in Gold Coast, Australia. As of 2023, Kristen is 38 years old. Kristen was born in 1985 but the exact date of birth is not available. She is competing in Thomas’s group.

Her instagram is @kikilosophy
Lauren Whybird
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Thomas
Lauren Whybird, well-known as Lauren, is a reality television personality and a hairdresser. Lauren was born and raised in Gold Coast, Australia. As of 2023, Lauren is 28 years old. Lauren was born in the year 1994 on March 27. Lauren’s zodiac symbol is Aries. She is competing in Thomas’s group.

Her instagram is @lauren_whybird
Leah Cummings
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Thomas
Leah Cummings, well-known as Leah, is a reality television personality and a make-up artist. Leah was born and raised in Gold Coast, Australia. As of 2023, Leah is 32 years old. Leah was born in the year 1990. She is competing in Thomas’s group.

Her instagram is @leahsimonecummings
Alicia “Lou” Bellbowen
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Thomas
Alicia Bellbowen, well known as Lou, is a reality television personality and a marketing manager. Lou was born and raised in Tweed Heads, New South Wales, Australia. As of 2023, Lou is 31 years old. Lou was born in the year 1991. She is competing in Thomas’s group.

Her Instagram is @labralou_
Marjorie Griffiths
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Thomas
Marjorie Griffiths, well known as Marjorie, is a reality television personality and a professional model. Marjorie was born and raised in Central Coast, New South Wales, Australia. As of 2023, Marjorie is 26 years old. Marjorie was born in the year 1996. Marjorie’s turned 26 on 26th of December. She is competing in Thomas’s group.

Her Instagram is @marjoriegriffiths_
Marnie Klippelt
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Thomas
Marnie Klippelt, well known as Marnie, is a reality television personality and a professional model. Marnie is from Brisbraine, Australia. As of 2023, Marnie is 28 years old. Marnie was born in the year 1995. She is competing in Thomas’s group.

Marnie has two kids, both are daughters. Their names are unknown. Marnie was living in Queensland with her daughters before making to The Bachelors Australia 2023.
Her Instagram is @marniejayne
Caitlin Perry
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Jed
Caitlin Perry, well-known as Caitlin is a reality television personality and a Psychology student from Gold Coast, Queensland. As of 2023, Caitlin is 25 years old. She was born in the year 1997 however her exact date of birth isn’t found yet.

Caitlin Perry was eliminated from the show from 2nd episode.
Caitlin’s instagram is @caitlinperryy_
Jacinta Daher
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Thomas
Jacinta April Daher, well-known as Jacinta is a reality television personality. Jacinta is from Sydney, New South Wales. She was born in the year 1993. As of 2023, Jacinta is 30 years old however her exact date of birth is not available.

Jacinta was eliminated from the show from 2nd episode.
Jacinta’s instagram is @jacintadaher.
Mikki Silberbach
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Felix
Mikki Silberback, well-known as Mikki, is reality television personality. Mikki is from Bondi, New South Wales. She was born in the year 1996. As of 2023, Mikki is 26 years old however her exact date of birth is not available.

Mikki was eliminated from the show from 2nd episode.
Mikki’s instagram is @mikkiiii.
Ella Thiele
The Bachelorette
Bachelor: Felix
Elle Thiele, well-known as Elle is a reality television personality and a Marketing coordinator from Brisbane, Queensland. As of 2023, Elle is 21 years old. She was born in the year 2002 however her exact date of birth isn’t found yet.

Elle Thiele quit from the show on 2nd episode.
Elle’s instagram is @ellathiele_