Madison Witham Dumped Her Boyfriend For Mean Text Messages Over Prom Dress!

madison witham prom dress, boyfriend, age, and wiki facts
madison witham prom dress, boyfriend, age, and wiki facts

Among the several viral news, the news concerning a teenage girl, who dumped her boyfriend on the spot, is one of them.

The girl is none other than Madison Witham, age 16, who dumped her boyfriend after he ‘slut-shamed’ her over text.

Madison is a schoolgirl from Lakeland High School in Indiana. Excitedly, she wanted to show the floor-skimming black gown to her boyfriend which she had bought for her prom.

She started the conversation between her and her boyfriend telling that she found a dress for her prom. And in return, he replied writing “Show me!”

Madison texted him a picture in which she wore an elegant dress, but her boyfriend disappointed her with a fierce response.

In the conversation which she shared on tweeter, her boyfriend comments in an offensive way writing,

“too much skin, get rid of it, and I’ll get you a new one b.”

Madison replied objecting her boyfriend’s point of view is saying,

 “It’s not too much skin, wtf.”

Rather than realizing his mistake, her boyfriend continued to insult Madison by writing,

“you look like a slut b.. no offense.”

Then and there with his repulsive respond, Madison dumped him on the spot to which she replied,

“I’ll stick w/ the dress and get myself a new man, byeee.”

She shared a text exchange on Twitter. Madison told her followers:

“so today I bought a prom dress and dropped a dude, eventful day!”

Since then, the post received 45,000 retweets and liked by more than 249,000 times. Moreover, people are complementing for what she did to her now ex-boyfriend thinking that she made the right decision.

Madison received different praise and response of celebrities clapping and basketball slam dunks.

Throughout the talk with the Insider after her tweets became viral, she said,

“I put it on Twitter just to expose him and (show) how mean he was to me.”

Furthermore, Madison was in shock by the unbelievable response that her story received.

“I was so surprised when I saw that I went viral because I did not even mean for it to go viral.”



  1. Might want to take the story down since your reporting skills are lacking… You don’t have all the information around the story and I know you didn’t talk to the boy friend. Might want to do your poorly twitter search of information again and see she staged the messages for internet fame.


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