Who Is Simon Nellist Girlfriend Jessie Ho?

Simon Nellist Girlfriend Jessie Ho

Simon Nellist an avid swimmer and diving instructor at Sydney’s Scuba Diving Social Club. He had served in Royal Air Force previously. It was reported that he was a victim of shark attack located at Buchan Point, near Little Bay. He was attacked by a great white shark, estimated to be around 3 meters each.

The attack was captured on tape by some people who were fishing nearby which have been going viral on the internet. However, the video is not available on Facebook or Instagram but it is found on Twitter. The person capturing the video heard someone ‘shouting it is a great white shark’ and he said ‘a person is being eaten by a shark’. As the video was taken from afar the attack is not clearly seen but the shark is seen jumping from the ocean.

Simon’s fiance Jessie Ho is devastated as her fiancé was recently killed in a shark attack in Sydney, Australia. 

Simon Nellist Cause Of Death

Who is Simon Nellist fiancé Jessie Ho?

Jessie Ho is the fiancé of the swimmer and diving instructor Simon nellist, who just recently got attacked by 3 great white sharks and lost his life. They met in Australia after Simon was traveling around the world. They were to be already married but their wedding plans were postponed due to the Coronavirus pandemic. They lived in the Sydney suburb of Wolli Creek with. She was the long-term partner of Simon. However, much about Jessie’s personal life is not known. 

Jessie HO’s age and birthdate is not known, however, it is estimated that she is in her mid 30s just like her late fiancé Simon Nellist, 35 years old. 

Simon Nellist Girlfriend Jessie Ho

There is also no mention about Simon or Jessie’s Instagram. However, recently there has been few posts about the shark attack on Sydney’s Bunchan Point, Little bay’s victim Simon and people have been posting his hashtag “#simonnellist” to pay a tribute to him. 

There is no mention of Jessie anywhere on instagram or facebook, just news about her fiancé’s terrible incident. 


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