Kevin Reese Jr Cause Of Death, Who Is Responsible?

Kevin Reese Jr cause of death, wiki, bio, age, height, mother

Bullying builds character like nuclear waste creates superheroes. It’s a rare occurrence and often does much more damage than endowment.

Kevin Reese Jr, a 10-year-old boy hung himself in his closet after being bullied at school by other boys on January 21.

A 10-year-old Texas boy has no option but to end precious life after he was bullied. According to sources, they beat him up brutally and wrote “Kill yourself” on his tablet.

Kevin Reese Jr mother Crystal Smith said, Kevin had always been a goofy child and he had a lot of passion to draw and paint, but at this young age he became a victim of bullying.

Kevin Reese Jr mother Crystal Smith in an statement talking about this tragic and traumatic incident said;

“I never thought he would go this far, never. I’m still in disbelief. It’s taking me a while to actually accept the fact that this happened.”

Crystal Smith never in her nightmare thought the bullying had gone this far that her son had to take his life. She thought her son was “handling” the situation well and had no idea of the extent to which it had worsened.

She revealed that the boys in his class took advantage of his small stature and beat him up before writing “Kill yourself, you don’t belong here” on his tablet.

“When it got physical back in November, he came home crying because he didn’t fight back,”

she added;

“And one of the boys punched him several times coming from recess.” Two months after the incident, Smith said her son “just had enough” and “felt that he was backed into a corner.”

Smith was out of town for work on the afternoon of January 21 when Kevin and his 13-year-old sister came home from school. The troubled child’s stepdad was on his way home but was too late to save him.

On the other hand, Kevin Reese Jr school district denied allegations that the bullying had even been reported to the school or the district’s anonymous reporting system Cy Fair Tipline.

However, Smith had reached out to a school official, who responded in a voicemail saying they had looked into the incident after Kevin was punched by another student.

But by now its too late and no authorities can every pay the loos Crystal Smith and her family has gone through. Now, the grieving mother hopes to help other parents by speaking out about her experience.

“Pay attention to your child, don’t assume that things are handled at the school,” she said. “Stay on top of it until you see something come out on the end.”

RIP Kevin Reese Jr


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