Who Is Leisl Smith, Missing For 5 years And More, Is Leisl Smith Even Alive?

Leisl Smith missing facts. PC: ABC
Leisl Smith missing facts. PC: ABC

It’s a cold case of a mysteriously missing young woman. Who knew Leisl Smith would be bidding the final farewell to her beloved family & her domestic animal on that ill-fated day. It was on a Sunday afternoon amidst the mid of August 2012. To be specific; Leisl Smith went missing as of 4/19/2012.

Caption: Leisl Smith.

Photo Credit: Supplied

Ere to leaving the house at Wallarah on the central coast which Leisl Smith shared with her dad. She said she will be back to feed the horse at 5 pm shortly. Nevertheless, Leisl never returned back to fuel her part as she had said earlier.

Leisl Smith also said that she loved her dad; Storm Smith. Until this day her mom Sandi is still in hope that Leisl Smith will be found someday.

On 9th June 2018; exactly at 10:53 pm a podcast What have you done to her? via iTunes dropped an audio. It is 21:31 mins long discourse featuring missing Leisl Smith’s mom Sandi. In regards to the missing mystery when asked; What would peace mean to u?

Leisl Smith’s mom replied that she doesn’t want to know what happened. Furthermore, she wailingly added the following content-

“I don’t want to know necessarily who did anything to her? I want to know where she is.. that’s all what I want to know and bring her home… “

Who Is Leisl Smith?

Missing Leisl Smith was an avid animal lover who was often cited as a happy-go-lucky individual. Leisl Smith age was only 23 when Leisl Smith went missing. Reviews over the years elucidate that Leisl got into a white Ute at the Tuggerah station. Police Force are recapitulating that Leisl Smith’s missing conundrum is a homicide. Due to the fact that her bank accounts have not been manipulated since she vanished.

CCTV footages reveal Leisl Smith leaving her parked Honda Accord at the same station. She used to drive a silver car registered under NSW division with the nameplate BJO-27S. Other than that; it’s an unknown fact & an unsolved mystery as to with whom & where she was headed, no one knows.

Previous investigations depict that Leisl Smith was apparently pregnant betwixt all that disappearance. Fairfax Media published an article which indicates the text messages received upon Leisl Smith dad’s mobile from his missing girl’s cell phone.

It read: ”F— you. I can’t do this and I’m not going to keep your secret anymore.”

Leisl Smith dad Storm Smith said he was not aware about what the text could have meant? Wherefore, he called her number but to his dismay; Leisl Smith didn’t answer. In fact, her mobile was on an airplane mode.

After some days Storm again got a text msg from his daughter’s number. This time the texts read-

”I’m really sorry dad. Please don’t be angry,” it read.

Since then Leisl Smith dad has not received any texts from her phone. Every news that is surfacing in regards to the mystery missing act does not reveal any insights about what had really happened. Only hypothetical assumptions are there.

Nonetheless; if any sight and knowhows of Leisl Smith are encountered, please contact Tuggerah Lakes Police/ Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. Leisl Smith facial features are of Caucasian appearance. On that note; her physique was of a skinny frame. She had brown eyes and had dyed her hair blonde.


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