Explore Michael Ebeid Wiki Facts, How Much Is CEO of SBS Michael Ebeid Worth?

Michael Ebeid wiki, bio, age, height, net worth 2018

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Michael Ebeid has officially stepped down as a CEO of SBS. Michael Ebeid retired after 7½ years from the company on Monday.

The CEO Magazine awarded Michael Ebeid as the CEO of the Year in 2017. Michael Ebeid was appointed as the top executive in SBS on June 2011.

In addition to being the Chief Executive Officer, Ebeid was also overseeing the position of managing director in SBS. Michael Ebeid sudden retreat has left many disheartened.

Dennis Muller, a senior researcher at the University of Melbourne, said Ebeid was a “sure-footed executive” and his departure was “unfortunate”.

An associate professor at Monash University, Margaret Simons, mentioned that Ebeid’s greatest accomplishment was maintaining a good relationship with government.

Let’s look into the personal journal of this acclaimed man. SBS CEO Michael Ebeid wife, marriage, and girlfriend are disclosed along with Michael Ebeid wiki, bio, age, height, and weight.

On top of that, see the reports of Michael Ebeid net worth updates.

Michael Ebeid Wiki Bio:

Born in 1966, SBS CEO Michael Ebeid is currently in his early fifties. Michael Ebeid birthplace is Cairo, Egypt. Together with his family, at the age of three, Ebeid migrated to  Sydney, Australia in 1669

Last year, at the age of 51, Michael Ebeid was made a member of the Order of Australia (AM) on Queen’s Birthday Honours,

According to Australian Honours Search Facility, he was awarded this coveted status for,

“significant service to the broadcast media and multicultural affairs as an executive, innovator and business leader”.

Currently, aged 52, this former managing director stands at a decent height. SBS CEO Michael Ebeid is also deft in managing his body and weight. He seems to be fond of sports and dogs.

SBS CEO Michael Ebeid nationality and ethnicity:

This former managing director has been an influential figure in the media industry. Though his ancestral ethnicity is technically Egyptian, Ebeid’s nationality is Australian. Regarding the impact of racism and ethnicity, he says,

“I learnt at an early age how mainstream media can make you feel very included in society and it can also make you feel very excluded.

After leading notable companies like SBS, CEO Michael Ebeid has been able to improve the prejudice in Australian society.

Michael Ebeid Wife, Married Life?

SBS CEO Michael Ebeid proudly introduces himself as a gay. Michael Ebeid came out about his sexuality in the 1990s. Conversing at the breakfast, he said,

“When I was in my early twenties I was absolutely terrified at work that people would find out I was gay.

I used up so much energy worrying about that and hiding it and making up stories and all that sort of stuff.”

Michael Ebeid doesn’t have a girlfriend and a wife. The former CEO has been open about his preference since last two decades, hence he may have a male partner. But Michael Ebeid isn’t vocal about his marriage and partner. So who is Michael Ebeid partner?

Michael Ebeid Net Worth

During his tenure as a CEO of SBS, Australia faced a continual political instability. Five different prime ministers and four communications ministers changed office.

Despite the challenges, Michael Ebeid managed to pull over net worth of $14 million in extra funds from the government while its biggest competitor Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) was facing budget deficiency.

Aside from his praiseworthy management, Michael Ebeid also launched SBS On Demand,  National Indigenous Television, Vineland and Food Network channels. These networks doubled advertising and sponsorship revenue and multiplied the company’s net worth.

Though SBS CEO Michael Ebeid hasn’t disclosed his actual salary and net worth figure, it is safe to speculate Michael Ebeid net worth volume exceeds millions of dollars.

Michael Ebeid age, birthday, height, weight, partner, nationality, ethnicity

Name Michael Ebeid
Age 52 Years
Birthday N/A
Height N/A
Weight N/A
Marriage N/A
Girlfriend/ Wife/ Boyfriend N/A
Nationality Australian
Ethnicity Egyptian
Net Worth Under Review




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