Who Is Amber Roberts, Know Her Airport Incident!

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A female astrophysicist named Amber Roberts took to her Twitter account to disclose her experience at the airport. Certainly, her tweet went viral.

She then initiated a debate on “microaggressions” faced by women in science and technology. The situation at the airport involved a random guy who asked her why she needed two laptops.

Her tweet received more than 198,000 likes and 28,000 retweets. On Twitter, she described herself as “AI program director, astrophysicist, science communicator, and machine learning engineer.”

In less amount of time, the tweet which depicts her slamming the ‘sexist’ question from the airport, became a trending topic on Reddit. Not only that, it created a forum for discussing the topics that surround gender bias in tech industries and broader society.

After her tweet got mockingly posted to Reddit, she followed it up with a series of tweets. And insisted that it showed her original point.

Not only the tweet went viral but the astrophysicist also received responses from many Twitter users. Most of them praised Roberts and responded positively. Whereas, some of them even shared their own experiences.

On the other hand, several men revealed that they often carry several phones, laptops, and tablets and they had never been asked about it.

Keeping these things apart, aren’t you curious about the astrophysicist’s background? So without any further ado, get to know who is Amber Roberts and know about her Airport Incident.

Amber Roberts ‘sexist’ question

Following her tweet, Roberts gave a statement to ‘The Daily Wire‘ saying that she observed the man being sexist rather than rude. She revealed,

 “I do feel this question stemmed from the misalignment in his mind between a tiny blonde woman and two laptops.”

She felt that the question would not have been asked to a man who is carrying multiple laptops. Ms. Roberts added,

“I have gotten pretty good at recognizing microaggressions throughout my career, and this was definitely an example of one.”

Who Is Amber Roberts?

According to Amber Roberts Twitter profile, Roberts is an astrophysicist, AI program director, machine learning engineer, science communicator, and especially chocolate connoisseur.

Besides, she studied astrophysics in Pasadena which she revealed on July 29, 2017’s Instagram post.

A little peek into her Instagram account shows that Ms. Roberts is not in any relationship i.e. not involved in dating affairs and boyfriend.

Amber Roberts became an overnight trending topic on Twitter and social handle when her ‘sexist’ tweet went viral.


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